Allied Academies

Anesthesia and Peri Anesthesia Nursing

Anesthesia and Peri Anesthesia Nursing

Perianesthesia nursing is a specialized area focused on caring for patients throughout the perioperative period, including before, during, and after anesthesia. This field involves diverse practice settings and requires a wide range of skills. These nurses provide critical care as patients awaken from anaesthesia and oversee their recovery until they are stable enough for transfer. Collaborating closely with anesthesiologists, perianesthesia nurses are experts in pain management, particularly in the context of surgical procedures.

Track 1: Intraoperative Nursing
Track 2: Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Nursing
Track 3: Ambulatory Surgery Nursing
Track 4: Pain Management Nursing
Track 5: Preoperative Nursing

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